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      Managed by OH1KH
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ITU: 18
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In pict: Visiting OJ0 with own boat

Licensed 1982(novice), 1983(General).
Member of Teljan radioamatoorit r.y. OH1F/OH1AF/OH1AB
At the very begin worked mostly on 2m meters. Later also on 70cm and 6m.

I designed and built up local 2m and 70cm repeater logics using Z80 microprocessor based systems (-86 ... -89)
On 90's I was very interested in packet radio. I built up local BBS, DXCluster and digipeater networks on Pori area.
I was also very active on 9k6 packet satellites UO-14, UO-22 & KO23

Then, at the end of -90's, I interested in boating and have been mostly qrt. Except some mobile qsos from my boat.

2010 I took down all antennas: 70cm,2m,6m Yafi groups and HF beam. They all were in very poor shape after being up over 20 years.
I still have my 25m mast up and now there are some J-poles and OCF-dipole.

I'm running here 24/7 aprs and AIS receivers. See http://aprs.fi/oh1kh
Some views from Pori area. See https://www.pori.fi/pori-tieto/nettikamerat

I have also started to be more active now mostly on HF bands CW on winter time when boating is impossible here because of ice.
During summers you might meet me with call OH1KH/M from my boat.

I do not collect/send paper qsl cards any more. I got enough during first years. I prefer eQSL or LOTW if there has to be a way to prove qso. For me it is enough I have call on the log.


During past years I have done some additions to Cqrlog. The best logging software for Linux http://www.cqrlog.com
You can find some videos from YouTube about this subject: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3yPCVYmfeBzDSwTosOe2fQ      



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