HamQTH languages support

HamQTH now supports 17 languages. If you want to help us with translation into new language, please download English language file, translate it into you own (use UTF8 encoding, please) and send me the file to petr@ok2cqr.com. I'll upload it to test server where you can see how it looks like. The files are in UTF8 encoding so please check if your favourite text editor can handle it (e.g. Windows users may use PSPad).
If you want to change something in the file for your language, please contact the maintaner. Thank you!

Language File Version Maintainer
English en.zip 2.4 Petr, OK2CQR - petr @ ok2cqr.com, Joe, WC4R - joe @ roth.bz
Bulgarian bg.zip 2.3 Alex, LZ2FP - alex . vratsa @ gmail.com
Catalan ca.zip 2.0 Salva, EB3MA - eb3ma @ raf.cat
Czech cs.zip 2.4 Petr, OK2CQR - petr @ ok2cqr.com
Danish da.zip 2.0 Søren, OZ1AHC - oz1ahc @ cabboss.dk
Dutch nl.zip 2.5 Bas, ON5HB bas @ heppen.be
Finnish fi.zip 2.0 Timo, OH7JHA - oh7jha @ gmail.com
French fr.zip 2.0 Pascal, F5JSD f5jsd @ r-e-f.org
German de.zip 2.0 Junghard, DF1IAV - junghard @ bippes.de
Hungarian hu.zip 2.0 Imi, HA7AP - ha7ap @ yahoo.com
Italian it.zip 2.0 Alessandro, IZ4WNA - iz4wna @ gmail.com
Japanese jp.zip 2.1 Toru, JG1EIQ - jg1eiq @ gmail.com
Polish pt.zip 2.4 Slav, SP3RXO sp3rxo @ zoho.com
Portuguese pt.zip 2.0 David, CT1DRB - ct1drb72 @ gmail.com
Russian ru.zip 2.0 Constantin, UA1AKE - ua1ake @ 5-tv.ru, Vladimir EX8MK - ex8mk @ mail.ru
Spanish es.zip 2.0 Juan, CE5PHI - ce5phi @ cpdxg.cl
Swedish sv.zip 2.4 Pontus, SM0RUX - pfalk @ ax25.org